se aguanta con imánes.
Tengo una parecida a la tristeza.
Tengo una de un baquero rígido e imperturbable (cual
tiene un cígarro puesto entre sus labíos y esta sin afeitar hace tres días).
Tengo una hecha de hojas y ramitas cual uso cuando estoy escondido
por tu casa velandote en lo que te bañas.
Tengo una que hace ver como si me importara lo que me estubieses diciendo.
Y tengo una con espejos puestos como ojos que cuando estamos frente a frente,
tu me dices, “Tienes ojos bellísimos. Cuando me encuentro dentro
dellos me siento protegida.”
Pero detrás de cada una desas caras hay solo un cráneo sin expresión.
- Translated from English by Andy Riverbed
My face is held on by magnets.
I can take my face off.
I have one face that is my sad face.
I have one face that is my stern, imperturbable face (that
one has some stubble and a cigar pinched between the lips).
I have one face that has leaves and twigs glued to it so I can hide
out in front of your house and watch you shower.
I have one face that looks intrigued about what you’re saying.
And I have one that has mirror-eyes so when you look into them
you say, “You have the most beautiful eyes. When I look into
them I feel safe.”
But behind every face is an expressionless skull.
- Sam Pink
D Holidey
Holidey sent the Riverbed his new shit. The Riverbed thinks that Holidey is bringing it. The Riverbed thinks the masses should get with it. Check out Holidey’s Noise-Hop.
Wall Attacks
Wall Attack #3 has long been over. The Riverbed was sidelined by academic obligations, but now Wall Attack #4 is ready and will be destroying the streets and making the walls sing much farther than Gainesville.
New fashion models for American Apparel special spring series: DIY, the Culprits in their Fatboy McPopcorn as Mr. Riverbed shirts which will soon be on sell just like the Riverbed’s Damaged is on sale at the Wayward Council and maybe soon from his own hands for ten dollars ($10!). Hit him up at andy.riverbed (at) for details. The book costs ten dollars, the shirts cost seven.
Fatboy McPopcorn
Matty D’Angelo
Rily Fink
Andy Riverbed
Check out where Wall-Attack #3 got to:
The Sky
St. Augustine
Check out all of the Wall-Attack #3 pics HERE.
Riverbed's Summer Tour
Andy Riverbed will be on tour this summer, with Circus Circus and the Mystery Books, hitting up portions of South Florida, and Puerto Rico.
Riverbed poems have been published at Libelo Weekly #3. Check out “Last Night on the Way to My Apartment” and “I Touch a Button” HERE.
And a poem at decomP. Check out “Tasted like peanut-butter and guava-jelly.”
In a post DiGangi made about spilling coffee on his laptop and that the Jargon would be interrupted for a bit, haters are hating on "Tasted like peanut-butter and jelly." Check that out HERE.
Not everyone hates "Tasted like peanut-butter and guava jelly." Some people claim to actually be reading it. Check that out HERE.
Tao Lin is Blacklisted
And just because the Riverbed loves it when people piss other people off by really doing nothing wrong, this picture, that was taken by an unnamed compatriot of the Riverbed's from what is rumored to be the old office room of the Florida Review at UCF, is available for all to see.
The Riverbed's initial intention was to see if señor Lin would post up an email chat between the Riverbed and the omnipotent being, Titular, about the Riverbed's and Lin's excursions through Gainesville during the Fest last Halloween. In this conversation the Riverbed told Titular of Lin getting followed and solicited by college sluts and how the Riverbed and Lin took them up to the Riverbed's apartment, leaving the girls with bloody faces.
Lin will not post this email, but here is the photo of Tao Lin being blacklisted at the Florida review at UCF.
The Riverbed's EveryDayYeah e-book, Afternoon Drinking is Okay, was promoed as something cool by Disproductions. Check that out HERE.
Radiation Newsletter is looking for submissions of anything you might desire.
if I put on one of those Riverbed shirts, are they thin enough to show my nipples? either way, sign me up for one.
I think nipples make nice accessories. some shirts look better when they poke out a little bit.
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