do forever
matter and
only the suffered
will go to heaven;
the rest will roam
as uglyfuckingspirits;
if things
do change and
I’m wrong,
that’s a
regret I’ll have to
deal with.
New Riverbed poems have been published. Check out: “On Wall-Attacks (i),” “On Wall-Attacks (ii),” “On Wall-Attacks (iii),” and “People who were.” The Riverbed was invited to collaborate in Titular’s project, The Passion of Mel Gibson. Check out “The Man without a Face”.
The Riverbed is no longer sidelined; he is off the bench and running the streets again. More streets will be attacked and ruined, he promises. The Riverbed will be on the streets of St. Augustine and Miami soon, so if interested in anything, hit him up at andy.riverbed (at)
A really fucking-awesome band, The Ruins of West Palm Beach, was interviewed HERE.
391 is now back in action. They are inviting people to make footage and submit it; the Riverbed is planning on working on this project; if interested in collaborating, hit him up at andy.riverbed (at)
Krammer Abrahams has a story published HERE.
Paperwall #13 is out. Check it out HERE.
Chelsea Martin has a book out by Future Tense Books.
MuuMuu House books are, and in the future will be, available at the Wayward Council.
There’s an article on MuuMuu house in the March issue of Nylon magazine, so if you’re not a hipster tell all your hipster friends.
La vieja
fue a
su gabeta
y se dío cuenta
que algún
le había bajao
sus pali
otra vez.
- Translated from English by Andy Riverbed
so jaded
Old Mother
went to
her cupboard
and realized
some redundantly
little leprechaun
had watered down
her laudanum stash
- Dennis Mahagin
aviso adelantao
Peter Peter
si te
uno mas
antes de la
la pregunta en ¿Quién
quiere ser millionario?,
mandaré tu sonrisita-
jack o’lantern
pa Salinas
en un taxi tan deprisa
que tu cabeza
no va volar,
se quedará
orientado hacía
- Translated from English by Andy Riverbed
fair warning
Peter Peter
Pumpkin Eater
if you cut loose
with even
one more
of those
intrusive tuber farts
before the crucial
question on Who Wants
To Be A Millionaire?,
I will put your jack-o’
lantern grin
back on a bus
for Salinas so fast
your head will
not only spin
but stop
- Dennis Mahagin
De la collecíon, Canciones de infancia revisados por Chinaski
From the collection, Chinaski’s Revisionist Nursery Rhymes
Live Music!
The Winslows
La Cara Oculta
The Smoking Dopes
1 comment:
You're Krammer Abrahams, aren't you?
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