El mañana está en llamas y soy muy joven. Mañana presionaré tu cara contra la ceniza del viejo puente. Mañana, emplegostaré la ceniza del viejo puente en tus ojos. Mañana odiare a todos quienes he conocido o he escuchado de. El día de mañana está en llamas y todavía soy muy joven. Mañana volveré y no soy una persona vindicativa, pero repetitivamente apuntaré a tu cara con mi dedo, y mi uña hará lunas diminutivos sobre tu cara. La presión creará moretoncitos, nubecitas, alrededor de las lunas. El día de mañana está en llamas y soy muy joven. No tienes que acordarte de nada de esto porque seguiré diciéndolo.
- Translated by Andy Riverbed with proofs by Lola Pistola
Tomorrow is on Fire and I am Very Young
Tomorrow is on fire and I am very young. Tomorrow I press your face into the ash of the old bridge. Tomorrow I push the ash of the old bridge into your eyes. Tomorrow I will hate everyone I’ve ever heard of or known. Tomorrow is on fire and I am still very young. Tomorrow I will return and I am not a vindictive person, but I will point my finger in your face repeatedly, and my fingernail will make little moons on your face. The pressure will create little bruises around the moons, little clouds. Tomorrow is on fire and I am very young. You don’t have to remember any of this because I will keep saying it.
- Sam Pink
A New Proofer for my to-Spanish Translations
Lola Pistola, who made the Instruction Manual look so nice, is now proofing and helping me out with my to-Spanish translations. She does a lot of stuff back home in Puerto Rico.
Check out her shit:
Cereal de Piratas
Mr. Potato Head has a column
at Girls with Insurance.
Don’t believe the hype. Mr. Potato Head exists. It only says that Andy Riverbed is the author of the Mr. Potato Head column because Mr. Potato Head felt that nobody would publish anything by a writer named “Mr. Potato Head.” So I’ve been sending out his stuff under my very prestigious and respected name.
I met Mr. Potato Head about five years ago on my road trip around the south, which landed me at Asheville, NC, for three weeks, after I graduated from rehab and was living at the half-way house in Riviera Beach, Florida. At that point, I had gotten very angry with the girl who would eventually become my ex-girlfriend, and I had taken all my money and bought a Greyhound ticket out of the state. I then bummed around until it was time to return home, a month later. While in Georgia, I met Mr. Potato Head at a restaurant. He was eating barbeque. He gave me some. I was broke. I was very appreciative of his kindness. We spoke. He told me he was a memoirist. That he had the strangest stories to tell. All autobiographical. I was interested, and since then, Mr. Potato Head and I have been corresponding. That day I met Mr. Potato Head, he could not finish his barbeque. From out of his butt, he pulled out his pen and notebook, and ripped out a sheet of paper. He gave me his contact information. The rest of his barbeque, he placed into his butt. Then he walked away without saying bye.
I am only an outlet. I do not know where Mr. Potato Head currently resides, for he is like the wind, with no outlined destiny. The stories that are to appear in the GWI column are true happenings that Mr. Potato Head experienced. Believe it.
Read “Mr. Potato Head Votes for the First Time” HERE.
Read “Mr. Potato Head Visits his Mother” HERE.
Keeping it Tropical during the Snowpacalypse, the St. Dad / Shreds February 2010 Tour
Updated St. Dad blog HERE.
Download “Keep it in your pants,” the debut St. Dad tape HERE.
Download “Do as I say not what I do,” the St. Dad seven-inch HERE.
Read a review of “Do as I say not what I do” at VinylRites HERE.
Download St. Dad side of the St. Dad / Shreds split tape HERE.
Watch a video of the final tour date (unfortunately without the Shreds) in Miami, at Sweat Records HERE.
Listen to multiple unreleased St. Dad songs at the St.dad Myspace HERE.
See pictures taken by Andrea Knight of Orlando (penultimate) show 3/2/10 (Facebook):
St. Dad
The Shreds
Permanent Nap
Slippery Slopes
Listen to an audio recording of St. Dad at Pensacola HERE.
David Fishkind wrote of the St. Dad / Shreds experience in New York. Read that HERE.
Video of the Chattanooga Show
Photographic selections by Byron, drummer of the Shreds (Facebook), HERE.
Before we (St. Dad, the punk rock band I sing in, and the Shreds, from Orlando) went on tour this past February, I bought a bunch of cheap notebooks at a local bookstore, Goering’s, which was unfortunately going out of business. One of these, I told the band, and eventually the Shreds, would be the “Angerlog,” in which anytime any of us had an issue with something, be it with each other, with the world, with the spots we were at, with anything, we would write it down. Then each night we would sit in a circle and read it and come to terms with ourselves. It was a semi-joke, because I thought it’d be cool. Everyone laughed at me, and I felt no one would do it, but surprisingly, it actually got used.
It is a vent machine, a tour diary, an eye on the road, an expression for the voiceless. This is the Angerlog, typed up to read (as unedited as possible).
You can download or at least view a PDF file of the original Angerlog HERE.
The Angerlog
I’m angry I don’t know what day it is.
I’m angry I can’t cut lyric sheets correctly.
I’m angry brian won’t pay half my rent and has a girl moving down to live with him.
I’m angry at servers who can’t keep shit cool, and don’t know what respect is, and act like little bitches.
I kind of don’t like blind people.
I don’t like exercising, and I want to see Johny Thunder’s grave in New Orleans.
I am angry no one took off their shirt too, last night, I hate that Pita pit was the only thing open last night and that I thought it was a good idea to buy 305’s. Yeah and life sucks too. I like this bridge surrounded buy dead trees though + brown rivers. I hope New Orleans has spicy vegan food.
I’m angry I didn’t touch that French girl who kissed me’s butt. Fuck!!!!!
I don’t like people who put themselves off as magician and then try try to get the guy letting us crash at his place to go outside to beat him up.
It’s not cool to start shit.
I hate castleing. Sux.
Fuck the colts.
Who datt?!
Spotcaller, spot caller, you’re a spotcaller, yeah.
I envelop heat wave in my self
and they exhume out through my fingertip
at your face, and then, you die.
We’re at a slow point in our tour right now. A slow time, maybe, kind of necessary. We had four nights of ridiculously insane shows. We arrived to Tallahassee close to eleven and played a small house party where there was vegan cake because it was the tenant’s birthday. There was a keg. Shreds played and then we played, and people got wild. There was a coat hanger on the mic, so I hung myself. Beer soaked the small room’s wooden floor. Then cops showed so the rest of the show was moved to another house, a punk house, Coolifornia, where Robert lived. He’d set up the show. Good night, we made fifty dollars. Enough for gas the next day. Greg was there and he ate breakfast with us at a kind of pretentious café, and he then went biking.
Second show was at Pensacola, a pretty cool punk house. [undecipherable words: maybe: We played first and it was wild], and before we went to a vegan restaurant. I had an okay tempeh tuna sandwich. Then, and this has been big, we played New Orleans on Superbowl Sunday, and the Saints were in the game. The saints we say and man the Saints intercept a touchdown! in the fourth period, way too ahead, too late in the game for the Colts to have a chance. We at a bar deep in the industrial ghetto portion of the city, walked for like an hour from the French Quarter, the Dragon’s Den, where we fucked shit up later on. Me, Rilly, and Sam, we got disappeared after the show, where we got $100, drunk for free, in search of drugs, but we were way fucked up to figure out how to get to the ghetto. We got picked up and went to Candice’s warehouse, and ate. We then went to Griffin’s grandmother’s house which lived about 12 minutes from the city, and I saw that Sam had pulled out a bed and quickly passed out on it.
Then we played Chattanooga, which was wild as well. I met Erica, singer of 40oz folklore and she loved us, comparing me to 80’s Spanish punk shit. Said she couldn’t find me in the crowd. She had grown up in the L.A. first wave of punk, and was 50 years old.
Then we played the Crucial Funhouse in Lexington, Kentucky, and that was a gear change on our tour. The house was very agreeable, and we got needed rest. I ran into Melody, who’d I met at the Harvest of Hope the year before, randomly, and had given her a copy of Kittens in the boiler. I was very surprised to run into her.
Since then we’ve been chilling to say the least. No shows till Friday, and today’s Thursday. We’ll be at Toledo, I think, Ohio. We’re at Ann Arbor and we just got done playing Space Ball at one of the twelve still active and useable spaceball “courts.” It was awesome fun staying at Byron’s, and shit seems really good.
[NOTE: This video was added post-Angerlog for the sake of the reader. THIS IS SPACEBALLLLLL! Byron’s the cat doing all the maneuvers in the video. The place is his grandfather’s joint.]
I still can’t stop hating the crucial fun house. I think they even spelled house haus. Man, I hate that shit. At least valentines day is soon! That’s not angry, sorry.
The crucial funhouse was a reststop for us, where we got crucially fucked up.
Toledo! is full of hate.
fuck forgiveness, biatches!
eF V-day
I hate veterans
I wanna play the crutch and am not allowed to dumbfound with my mad lyricism.
cold toes dressed in wet socks
full bladder and snow covered hills
on the side
thin, naked tree limbs
crossing like legs
biting like hungry “anarchists”
a car looks like it is halfburied in snow
a truck swerved off the road
No tude, please.
I’m disappointed that my statement of intent was not regarded when it came to me sitting in the front seat. I mean, damn, I am the one with the directions. Although I was beyond tipsy, I pointedly asked if directions were had or if assistance were needed, and I was told yes/no, when that was untrue. I hate to be disregarded because I’ve been drinking.
That’s not to say I was acting clear-headedly, but that was kind of the point. That said, I’m extremely frustrated with how I was dealt with by Sam at our arrival. Admittedly, I’m a loud talker and have difficulty gauging that, particularly while drinking. However, I highly doubt any breach of conduct that would merit “I’m sick of your shit” and a minor choking. In the spirit of keeping it cool for the folks, keeping it tropical, and generally kind of being a pussy, I went back to total silence. Dammit if I didn’t want to return in kind, and I’m still sitting on it now. Sure I had altered judgment, but I believe that was an unjust, insultingly inappropriate response where a “Dude, cool it” would have worked. I hate that shit. I’m legitimately offended and upset.
I plan to enjoy the day, though.
I hate getting sad about shit when I know what was up the whole time. I know she never wanted to be with me. She’s not the first girl who wanted to have an exheroin addict poet boytoy. She’s not the first girl to play me and drop me. But goddamn was I sad this morning. Goddamn did I feel like a fool all over again, even though there’s nothing going on between us. I fucking hate that either I feel that I’m in love, that I’m obsessed, or actually am in love with her. But I’m pretty sure I don’t believe love exists. Just synapses’ reaction to stimulus. I fucking hate that I think about her all the time, when I know she doesn’t give a shit about me. I also hate that I emailed to try to reconnect and was ignored. I wasn’t the one who betrayed anyone. I wasn’t the one who did the fucking-over. I wasn’t the one who left another hanging.
We’re in Laketown Massachusetts at Sam’s parents’ house, mormons. Very nice. Let us in at 4 in the morning after the R.I. show. Some girl, [Moe?] was really nice to me and the bartender from Peru gave me free beers and ten bucks for an eskorbuto shirt. I think Matty got offended. I felt bad but it had already been done. The Bartender was cute, and we spoke in Spanish and I defeated her with the word “derramar” while she said “dejar caer.” One word for two, I win. My language is more efficient. You have been defeated. The Ohio shows were cool. Carolyn ignored my emails. I’m sure I know why she wants nothing to do with me. I hope she’s just angry with me, but my gut feeling says she’s still running and that thought makes me very sad. I wish shit hadn’t gone down the way it did. Toledo was funny. There was a young girl who tried a lot to impress us with her punkness, but she was cool nonetheless. Kept on talking about the sex party they were going to have. I truly feel there’s more intellect and genuity, and love, in a van with two punk rock bands on tour than there will ever be in any university campus. I dread going back to school. I hate this society I’m stuck in. Cincinnati was really cool, there was poetry by a Bukowskish kid, and a Gingsbergish boy, and the Gingsbergish kid left right after he read. Fuck him. He missed the punk rock. We ripped it. The Columbus show was off the chain and Rat Attack from Chicago was awesome. There was a Minor Threat/Fugazi cover band which ripped and Vacation did a Ramones set—wicked. We, of course, ripped, but I think we always rip. Tomorrow we’re playing in Connecticut and then two NYC shows! I’m excited to se Dru, and Arvelisse, who I’ve been communicating with throughout the tour, I like her a lot. She takes this digital journalism class in which the professor picks up and makes phone calls during class, claiming they are important calls. She sent me his number and name and I called him during her class. He picked up and I said I was Augustus Semble from the Atlantic Monthly and wanted him to write for me. He believed it and said he’d call in an hour. I then called from Rilly’s phone saying I was Orki Molloy from the Cincinnati Esquire (Rilly’s # is a Cincinnati #) and then hung up on him. He never called me, so I guess I fucked up, but Arvelisse told me it made her day and she couldn’t stop laughing. He talked about it to the class, that he felt he was being sabotaged. That made me happy.
From today on I will touch more butts.
The first four shows, I touched butts. I’m slacking.
Butt touching, wooooooooooooooooo
Willimantic was fun and I think there are differing opinions as to what’s acceptable as far as guest-host relations—i.e. what constitutes acceptable rudeness from either side.
Matty seems a bit dickly with a couple drinks in him. I know I can be obnoxious as shit, but Matty just seems to get mean. Whereas I can pull my shit together and get articulate when need be—because, um—fortunately for me, I’m not drunk—Matty seems to incorporate an unpleasant darkness. It should be noted that poor penmanship is not a result of inebriation so much as poor lighting.
We’re headed out of philly to Baltimore. There’s good word about Baltimore, so I’m excited. We played Connecticut, and probably won’t play there again. The next morning I had dry blood on the top of my head. We played a sixfoot basement. I got naked for a sec. We brought the party to where it wasn’t wanted. Some kid who was cool with me at first got pissed because he said I was hitting on his bestfriend’s girlfriend. I remember her talking to me, and he kept following me around telling me to stop talking to her, but I don’t remember saying shit to her. I do remember trying to convince two lesbians to sleep with me. We didn’t stay there, and Rilly drove maniacally to New York, where we stayed at his friend’s, Kelly Ginger’s, house in Brooklyn. She was cool, and so was her roommate Bronwyn. There was a fist fight in the van, but we were all just drunk. I got hit in the side of the head trying to prevent this violence, and it still hurts when I open my jaw too much. We got banned from Don pedro’s, which Dru told me was almost impossible, it being the grimiest rock spot in the city. I pissed off the bartender, Karen + Melissa, who are just a couple of trendyass hipsters. Melissa threw a beer at me as I walked out the door. Dru was in jail that night. He had gotten a d.u.i. the night we arrived to NY. He didn’t get out till Saturday. He saw us at Tommy’s Tavern, which was kinda lame. General NY lesson: Bar shows suck. Double booking, and band discrimination occurs. At Tommy’s there was some lameass metal show after us, so we were done by 11pm, and all the other show’s equipment took up half the hall. During our set I gave many thanks to the equipment for being so lively. The sound guy liked us. We made 60 buck at Don pedro’s and 25 at Tommy’s. The Philadelphia show was cool. We played with When I was Twelve, which was really good. Pop sung by a cute awkward girl. I traded a record for their CD. My Mind Works was cool too. Peter from Big Mama’s house, the art/music/band warehouse where we stayed two nights is super cool. I hope to make it out to Harvest of Hope to see him play in Algernon. I think that’s a general sum up so far. There are moments missing but either I don’t wanna reach or as Hemingway said, a story is life with the dull parts cut out. In philly, there’s shit on all the sidewalks, but people are nicer than in NY. Got to make it up for the shitloaded sidewalks.
I’ve eaten pizza in New York, Providence R.I. Philadelphia, Baltimore. Tried to get some at Chattanooga , Ann Arbor, and maybe some more spots?
I want a slice right now. We’re driving to Richmond, VA. There’s traffic everywhere. Last night we made $100. I got drunk on whiskey. We played with a bunch of streetpunk bands. Another band played a GG Allin cover. I got a weed hookup. 10 dollar handful.
I liked Baltimore. It was rundown. I’d like to live there. We stayed in a cool house, a warehouse, where lots of art students loved at. I met Renee and Lisa? and some of their friends. There were two guinea pigs, Muddy and Hairdo, and a ferret, Miss Smelliot. I want another ferret. I miss Popcorn. I don’t want to return to Gainesville. When I get there I gotta refocus. I won’t be taking the GRE again because I’m going to be broke. I could ask my mother for money, but I don’t want her to pay for my shit, and I can use being broke as an excuse not to retake it. I don’t want to stress myself out again studying for that fucking exam. It sucked. I’m going divine destiny on Grad school. If I’m to do grad school, I will. If not, fuck it. Education won’t run away from me. I want to work on my stories.
On our way to Miami, an added show done by Rick of Torche and Nuclear II. Since Baltimore I guess it’s been a blur. We played Greenville NC at a Christian Anarchist spot, which was wild. Had a cultish vibe, The Hangar. Young kids went wild. I felt wrong singing Km/Ky/Ly to them. I got a sad clown tattoo by Rich. Awesome. In Charleston, which we got really drunk and played sloppy as hell, but was wild, so in my opinion, good show, jaja. Gainesville was a mess as well. Lots of kids from Orlando came. Good vibes. Birdie played as Permanent Nap. That was cool. Heather told me she was leaving in two weeks. That bummed me out. The Orlando show was wild. A guy bought ten of our 7’’s for his store. We haven’t been getting paid well lately. I’m gonna get fucked up down south.
Review of Angles of Disorder by Zachary C. Bush
In this collection, our reality is distorted into Bush’s vision of the word we live in. In “Within the Within,” a person awakens and finds curtains at the foot of his or her bed. Behind that curtain is a stage, and on it: a painting of a “black-swirl sea,” in which a tiny boat floats, and in it the person of the piece is sitting, who is staring at the speaker. As Bush writes, “…you, so small, staring at me, staring at you.” The speaker is the person that woke in the night, and it is the person that awoke who is staring at themselves, but is also the speaker, and the “you.”
I’ve known Bush for a while. I’ve have some of his earliest chapbooks. I’ve been corresponding with him for at least three years now. I have seen his evolution as an “experimental” writer. That is a term I do not enjoy, “experimental.” But Bush definitely pushes language. He is well aware that one of the powers of the English language is the compound word. Bush creates images and feelings that never existed before with his use of the compound word. Bush is an experience to read. An experience that at times can be frightful, but many times beautifully exquisite as well. Examples of his use of the compound word: “blood-sticky linoleum,” a “crisp-cool wedge” of lettuce, “silver-sparkling blades,” “blood-red-tailed bumblebees,” and “redcurrant fire-flies,” to mention a few.
My previous experience with Bush’s writing has been through verse, language-pushing verse, but this collection is more prose. But it is a very poetic prose. I wonder at times why it is a good thing to have your prose be called poetic, but it seems insulting to have your verse be called prosy. Either way, Bush is constantly making anew, as one of his bigger influences, Ezra Pound, said, the purpose of writing was “to make it new.”
Of these selections, most are flash-stories, and a lot are interconnected, and touch on repetitive themes. There is a fight with nature, an attempt to reason with the illogical, and this reasoning is done through mathematical computations. The characters look for answers in time, in nature, in space, through numbers. At times, the characters despise these vessels in which previously, answers to questions were being asked. In “The Catch,” Bush writes of a girl who was resentful of “The Sun.” She then sets a “dwarf-moose trap,” which ends up catching “Thursday.” She is then skipped to Friday, and she spends that day observing Thursday bleed to death. This success makes her confident that she will soon be able to trap “The Sun.”
In “Angles of Disorder,” as “The Traveler” sits observing dogs in a fight, Bush describes the dogs with: “…thick clumps of blood wet-stained their raised hair.” This is more impacting than to have just written that “blood had stained the dogs’ fur.” And “The Traveler” observes a woman who is happy, and he questions why she is happy. The woman is happy because she has “a crumpled Carnival Finger.” She calls it her “Wishbone.” “The Traveler” then becomes pleased with the old lady, and understands her happiness. The dogs then come and snatch away the finger, and “The Traveler” leaves the old lady alone.
In “The Difference,” in which two characters, “He,” a vacuum repair man, and “She,” a female who entered his shop and is angered because no one in the town had noticed that the sidewalks were slanted “3.3. degrees,” meet. They have a strange conversation in which “He” is never sure whether “She” is telling the truth or lying. Throughout this piece, and in other pieces in the collection, common words are made into proper names, giving them a more significant identity and presence in the piece. For example, “The Others,” “The Clocks,” “The Calendars,” “Sixteen Hours,” “Everyone,” “Anyone,” and “No One.” In this specific piece, “He” and “She” are maintained in that manner even when in possessive form, so instead of writing “her cries,” Bush writes, “She’s cries.”
Sometimes one piece leads into the next, and there is a continuation of a theme. A drawing of a hanged man that appears early in the collection slowly disappears until all that is left is his hanged head in the corner of the page. In “The Small Town Musical,” an old woman cannot stop the sounds of polka music from sounding inside of her head. She buys a hammer, and a nail, and goes to her home. In the end of the piece, Bush writes, “The old woman stood still, outside her front steps, and thought ‘No, no more of This Hell; not anymore!’ She entered her trailer, alone, and slammed the aluminum door behind her. THERE WAS NO ECHO.” The following piece, “WHEN YOU ARE DEAD,” repeats the verses: “You hear no echoes/WHEN YOU ARE DEAD/You hear no echoes/WHEN YOU ARE DEAD…” This is the follow up to the old lady’s story. She killed herself to no longer hear the polka music. Once she was dead, she could no longer hear echoes of any sound. The pieces “To Say Just a Few More Things about the Desert [10],[19]” are of a speaker realizing that fingers are trying to escape from his plastic face. He can hear children chanting recess songs from within himself. The next piece in the collection, “What pain they must feel!” repeats the verse: “There are children trapped inside my face!”
My only complaint with the collection is that in some of its pieces, such as in “losingMACRO,” Bush’s pushing of language makes no sense to me, and I do not know what to do with it. In this piece, letters are scattered, in between numbers and punctuation symbols, some of them capitalized, some lowercased, and I look for something but find nothing. Pieces like that, I’d prefer not to even see. It distracts me from Bush’s prose. But this happens maybe once in between many interesting, and mind-bending pieces.
I’ve read around that Bush is working on a novel, along with all the other stuff he produces. Reading this collection has caused anticipation in me to read a novel by him. It should be a very unique piece of fiction, and I would probably recommend this collection, and anything by Bush, to anyone into innovative language and literature.
New Translations
After being accessed by David Leavitt on the legalities of publishing translations of deceased authors without permission, and out of fear of legal retributions, I have decided to temporarily (hopefully) delete all translations of José María Lima's work on the Instruction Manual until I have official permission to do so.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
- AR 4/26/10
Sin título I
Hoy de camino al correo resbalé sobre hielo y casi me di en el ojo contra una rama de un árbol. Recuperé mi balance y continúe adelante. El señor caminando detrás de mi se río. Tenía toda la razón en reírse por que daba risa y él no tenía conexión al dolor real que podría yo haber sentido. Pero si hubiese perdido mi ojo, hubiese ido hacia él y lo hubiese sujetado contra el hielo del piso—y dejaría que la sangre saliendo del boquete donde estaba mi ojo derrame en su boca en lo que él se reía. Mi correspondencia era un su mayoría mierda sobre tarjetas de crédito que nunca utilizaré.
- Translated by Andy Riverbed with proofs by Lola Pistola
Untitled I
On the way to the mailbox today, I slipped on some ice and almost hit my eye on a tree branch. I regained my balance and continued on. The guy walking behind me laughed. He had every right to laugh because it was funny and he had no tie to the physical pain I could've experienced. However, if I had lost my eye, I would've walked up to him and held him down in the snow—and let the blood from my empty eye socket spill into his laughing mouth. My mail was mostly crap about credit cards that I will never use.
- Sam Pink
will definitely be reading this from now on.
liked the NWV stuff also.
me encanta este post. las historias del tour. los scans de la libreta...
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