Godard - I can only answer to very specific question. You have been asked to go free Bobby Seal. So free Bobby Seal.
KiC - There's always the question of modality. How do you free Bobby Seal? The army is trying to keep him.
Godard - That is your problem. You have been told this afternoon about it. That's your problem: you are student here. I don't know if you have to pay to live here or if you are here through scholarship. But you have to examine what is your own situation, and then to learn from it. Do you want to change it? Do you think it's marvelous? Do you enjoy the light? So don't change it and support Nixon. If you think you don't enjoy it enough, so free Bobby Seal.
(The Believer - The 2009 Film Issue)
New Riverbed poem, "How a tree attacked me" and somewhat recent piece of flashfiction has been published at the Brandi Wells Review. Check that out HERE.
Three Riverbed flashfictions were published in the new issue of LitChaos. Check out, "Vertun," "Tom and Michael," and "The Man Alone in his Auroras," HERE.
A new review of Damaged, the debut Riverbed collection, by Michael Fisher is available to read HERE.
Damaged is now available to purchase at the Wayward Council. It will also be available in Puerto Rico next week.
Let's let Juni do the talking:
Comienza oficialmente el 17 de abril. El evento se titula CIRCA LABS. Nuestro proyecto se titula PIRATESCOS. Este sera en el parking de Plaza las Americas, frente al Banco Popular y First Bank.
Nuestro contenedor mide 30 pies de largo y 7 pies de alto. La idea es crear una tienda D.I.Y. frente al mall mas grande del Caribe. Vamos a ser un barco de piratas (el contenedor va tener su propia bandera homemade) y estaremos frente a Plaza con nuestra propia tienda.
Estaremos vendiendo CDs de musica, mix-tapes, camisas de ediciones limitadas, pines, parchos, zines, entre otras cosas.
El 18 estara tocando en vivo Carie y Diente Perro de 4 a 7 PM.
It officially starts the 17th of April. The event’s called CIRCA LABS. Our project is called PIRATESCOS. It’ll happen inside the Plaza las Americas parking lot, in front of Banco Popular and First Bank.
Our booth measures 30 ft. of length and 7 ft. of height. The idea is to create a D.I.Y. store in front of the biggest mall of the Caribbean. We’ll be a pirate boat (the booth will have its own homemade flag) in front of Plaza with our own store.
We’ll be selling CDs, mix-tapes, limited edition shirts, pins, patches, zines, and more.
The 18th, Carie and Diente Pierro will be playing between 4 and 7 PM.
Take care,
(Letter translated from Spanish by Andy Riverbed)
Deltones Recordings exists and is tremendous. They are about to pick up distribution by some company that does K Records, and SubPop, and more.
Circus Circus has a show tonight at Matty D.'s house. Who's is Circus Circus?
They will be playing with the Platitudes, Baby Teeth, Cave Rave, and more.
The Riverbed has an ebook coming up on EveryDayYeah soon. Read a preview HERE. Check out what J.D. Nelson had to say about it:
Wow, just finished “Afternoon Drinking is Okay” in one gulp. Very
cool. It's easy to read—not that it's simple—it just
flows. It's not simple at all—very complex, actually, with many
layers and streams branching out only to reconnect with the main
river. I like the style—very stream-of-consciousness, remembering
memories, but also very tight—excellent visuals—orange night, the
shroom trip. All the darkness in the beauty of P.R. and how
Riverbed, the poet, finds the beauty in the darkness—this is what
struck me after reading Damaged, as well. Very cool read—like I
said, had me from the beginning—I could have read more. For me,
the mark of a great story or movie is that I don't want it to end—
such was the case here.
- J.D. Nelson
godard is good when you are young. you outgrow him as you experience more i think. tarantino thought the same thing and he idolized him.
melville is where the pussy is at.
Keep making shit happen, Riverabed.
You washing your ass, honey? Keep yourself clean?
Word 'em up.
I just saw that video, and still having to enter the plastic bubble that University kids consider the "real world," I just laughed my ass of when Godard was calling the kids out. Just do it. If you're not doing it, it's because you're full of shit. That's what I understood when I saw that.
are you offering to wipe my ass? that might feel too good for comfort, ha, ha.
keeping shit happening is what I do.
Circus Circus kicked some ass last night.
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